The State, Religion and Women

Jewish, Muslims, Christians, Druze, Bedouins; Cooperation and Conflicts, Secular vs. Religious Authorities; Women’s Struggles

WP Session 2009

Early Marriages

The 59th session took place in Faradis, in August 2009. The event was convened by Iman Kassem (journalist in Kol Israel) and the panelists were: Sheich Hassan Mazawi; Rula Farhan (social worker in the local welfare department); Aiat Mihsan (computers’ teacher); Hanna Kehat (founder of Kolech).
The data that was presented in the discussion exposed the extent of early-marriages in the Arab society. A clear contradiction between the religious leaders’ positions, orthodox men in both Arab and Jewish societies, and Jewish and Arab women, was revealed. Some of the harmful implications of marriage and giving birth at young age for women’s and their families’ future were described. The women on the panel and in the audience expressed their reluctance and even anger over the religious leaders’ efforts to tie them down to family life, ignoring their personal and professional needs.

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