YWP Representatives Meeting with Martin Luther King III (October 2016)

On October 30th, 2016, a conference was held in Jisr-A-Zarqa dealing with social and economic issues and challenges within the community. The conference was organized at the initiative of Musawa center (Http://www.mossawa.org/en) and of the Martin Luther King the 3rd Organizations.
Three girls representing the “girls parliament” active in Jisr-A-Zarqa (Hamda Zahi Amash, Namat Naim Jarban and Nazmia Abed Amash) participated in the conference and took part in the plenary debate, on education, housing and community infrastructure.
We had a great pleasure and satisfaction seeing the girls, led by Nahed Kanaan Amash, express an assertive and firm stand in front of a large audience. Well done to Nahed and the girls for a dignified participation, you brought proud to us all.
The participation of girls in this special conference emphasis the importance we put on networking and connections in all our Girls Parliament activities, and indicates how significant and important it is to expose the girls to public dialogue with government bodies and human rights organizations and the contribution of this activity to develop their critical awareness.

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